How skilled are staff in meeting the needs of my child?

An ongoing programme of training is in place to ensure that all teachers and support staff have appropriate skills and knowledge to support provision for children with SEND. Recent training has covered: 

• Improving provision and support for children speech, language and communication difficulties
• Promoting emotional literacy in schools.
• Improving mental health and well-being in schools
• Ensuring effective practice for supporting children with SEND
• Supporting children with challenging behaviour
• Regular safeguarding updates
• Creating a communication friendly environment in the Early Year
• Supporting emotional well-being for children with Speech, Language and Communication difficulties

Some staff have also had training in managing a variety of medical needs including diabetes, asthma, allergies and sickle cell disease.

Our SENDCO actively engages in a range of opportunities to share best practice and keep abreast of current local and national initiatives and policy to support pupils with SEND. The school also seeks advice and guidance from local special schools to review, evaluate and develop provision for pupils who have the most complex needs.

Additionally, members of staff are qualified Mental Health First-aiders;
Miss Payne, Ms McLelland and Mrs Iceton

Please speak to anyone of them for support or advice.

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