Elmwood Helping Hands

Elmwood Helping Hands (EHH), are a group of parents and staff from both Elmwood Infant and Junior Schools, who meet on monthly to organise events that promote education and fundraise for the school. The EHH group, which currently consists of a number of members, who meet monthly on Friday mornings at 9.00am. However, they may meet more frequently or at different times when preparing for an upcoming event. The meetings are informal but minute taking ensure that all ideas, actions and deadlines are noted and followed through to enable the success of events.

EHH was  re-established in 2022 . The first event planned was a joint international summer fair. The event was successful but EHH expanded its activities to create new experiences for the children. 

All events are designed to enhance the children’s experience of their education at Elmwood Infant and Junior Schools. Some activities are linked to the school’s improvement priorities, such as the readathon challenge which aligned itself with the ‘Reading for Pleasure’ culture that was being promoted within the school. Some activities celebrate the ethos of the school, such as the International Fair, which celebrates diversity. Other activities promote awareness, such as raising money for ‘Children in Need’. Where activities raise funds, the money is used to supply the school with additional learning materials, sports equipment, prizes or it is reinvested into other events.

EHH get a great deal of satisfaction from the children’s and parents enjoyment of EHH events and activities.

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