Ongoing assessment takes place by class teachers to identify pupils who are not making adequate progress.
Following further assessments and after discussions with key staff and parents, additional support may be put into place to help overcome any difficulties.
This additional support is documented by the school. In consultation with the class teacher, SENDCO and parents short term targets are agreed which prioritise key areas of learning. The targets will be recorded on an SEND support plan. The teacher makes every effort to involve the child and the parent in the SEND support plan process of assess, plan, do, review. Where external agencies are involved, their advice and recommendations are included in this planning. Actions agreed take into account each pupil’s strengths as well as their difficulties.
In some cases, additional support will be requested from the Central Croydon Locality Send Support group or through an existing Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) if your child already has one when they join the school. The level of support will relate to the complexity and severity of need and some teaching assistant support may be allocated. There will be an expectation that pupils should develop independent learning skills as far as possible and not become reliant on adult supervision.
Formal review meetings are held termly. Parents are invited to this review and external agencies attend when appropriate. The impact of support offered is considered along with the progress towards targets set. Support arrangements will be updated and revised accordingly. If not involved already, this might include referral to external agencies. The outcomes of these meetings will be formally recorded and the parents view will be included.
If your child continues to make little or no progress, an EHCP may be requested. Further details about this process will be explained by the SENDCO and information published in the Local Authority’s Local Offer.
Follow this link for Croydon’s Local Offer of Special Needs