Who should I contact to discuss concerns or needs of my child?

Class Teacher

She/he is responsible for:

Providing high quality teaching and learning which is differentiated and personalised responding to the strengths and needs of all pupils.

Checking on the progress of your child and identifying, planning and delivering any additional support required to support progress in the classroom.

Developing SEND Support Plans to prioritise and focus on the next steps required for your child to make progress in learning.

Discussing ways in which you can help your child at home.

Applying the school’s SEN policy.  (The SEND policy is on our website)

If you have any concerns about your child you should speak to your child’s class teacher first.  You may then be directed towards to the SENDCO.

Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO)
Ms McLelland
– Assistant Head Teacher (Inclusion)

She is responsible for:

  • Co-ordinating provision for children with SEND and developing the school’s SEND policy
  • Ensuring that parents are:
    • Involved in supporting their child’s learning and access
    • Kept informed about the range and level of support offered to their child
    • Included in reviewing how their child is doing
  • Liaising with a range of agencies outside of school who can offer advice and support to help pupils overcome any difficulties
  • Providing specialist advice and facilitating training to ensure that all staff are skilled and confident about meeting a range of needs.

The Head Teacher – Mr Cooper

He is responsible for:

  • The day to day management of all aspects of the school, including the provision made for pupils with SEND.

The SEND Governor – Mr Tomos Reed

He is responsible for:

  • Supporting the school to develop high quality provision and evaluate impact for pupils with SEND across the school.



How / when might your child be identified as having special needs?

How can I find out about how well my child is doing?

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