Rights Respecting School Council

At Elmwood Infant School the school councillors are also our UNICEF Rights Respecting reps. Each Key Stage 1 class has two Rights Respecting School councillors. You should be able to see who we are on our classroom doors. All school councillors were voted in by our classmates. This is fair and democratic.

Article 12 states that you have a right to say what you think should happen and be listened to.

We are enormously proud to announce our Rights Respecting School council representatives for 2022-23.

It is made up of two representatives from each class in year one and year two, who were voted for by their classmates in our school council elections. 

Our job is to represent the voices of the children in our classes. We meet most Fridays to discuss the following things:

  • How to improve our school
  • Who works at our school and how can we help them to help us
  • How we can improve what we learn?

Year 1

Dolphins – Jasmine and Amir
Turtles – Elize and Mohammed
Seahorses – Ada Bahar and Marcel
Sharks – Junaid and Lina

Year 2

Macaws – Adel and Lilian
Penguins – Lena and Aryan
Ducks – Grace and Nithin
Owls – Savannah and Rory

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