Provision for children with SEND in Lockdown

There is a blended approach to supporting children’s learning at home.

  • Class Teachers differentiate or adapt work on the remote learning platforms, Seesaw and Evidence me, to meet individual needs.
  • Bespoke home learning packs are sent home for children with EHC plans and identified high needs. The packs include activities for children with ASD and complex SLCN. They also have resources including visual timetables, Now/Next boards and social stories and advice for parents on how to present the activities. A tracking sheet is included to keep a record of how children engage with the activities. This record will be shared with school.
  • Live sessions including sensory storytelling and phonics catch up are led by TA’s and staff in school.
  • 1:1 live speech and language therapy sessions for children on the specialist caseload with GSTT
  • Weekly telephone calls from class teachers and additional phone calls from Miss Walsh for children with EHC plans and high needs.
  • SEND support plans will be reviewed with class teachers during weekly phone calls in February.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • We have introduced “Wellbeing Wednesday” for all children at home and at school with a short focus every week on supporting wellbeing and celebrating achievements.
  • Live Weekly class catch up on Seesaw/Evidence Me with class teacher.
  • Live celebration assembly takes place every Friday for all children at home and at school with special mentions for children learning at home and birthday announcements.
  • The Education Wellbeing practitioner is working with families at home on the challenging behaviour and anxious child programmes in live sessions. A self-referral form is available on the website.
  • The Mental Health Support Team will run live workshops for parents. The first is in in Feb on “Looking after children and yourself in lockdown.” Details will be sent through Seesaw and Evidence me.
  • Regular information signposting agencies for support and advice are posted on our website.
  • Access to consultation with the educational psychologist is available, please contact Miss Walsh at school for details.


Some helpful websites to look at with good resources and ideas for supporting children with SEND are;

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