How will teaching be adapted to meet my child’s needs?

Teachers are highly skilled at adapting teaching to meet the diverse range of needs in each class. Daily planning takes into account individual children’s needs and requirements. Differentiation is approached in a range of ways to support access and ensure that all pupils can experience success and challenge in their learning.

Groups are organised flexibly with opportunities for children to work in both ability and mixed ability groups to maximise learning opportunities for all.

Additional adults are used to help groups and individual pupils, with a long term goal of developing independent learning skills.

Alongside planned differentiation in the classroom some children with SEND need something additional to or different from that which is provided for the majority of children. The following range of interventions is in place to help overcome a range of difficulties. These include:

Speech & Language

Word Wanderers (Nursery)

These groups are designed by a Speech and Language Therapist and led by the staff in the Nursery. They work with a small group of children to develop communication skills and provide language enrichment activities. 

Talking Tables (Reception)

Talking Tables provides opportunities for children to improve their speaking and listening skills in a small group with support from a trained adult. The programme will help to develop vocabulary, use of sentences, story-telling skills and confidence in communication.

Oracy Project (Year 1)

A speaking and listening programme led by a trained adult with a small group of identified children to develop speech and language skills that runs for 15 minutes twice a week. This intervention is supported by a Speech and Language Therapist

Confident Talkers Group (Year 2)

This is a programme is supported by a Speech and Language Therapist and by trained adults in school to develop story telling skills and other aspects of language development. It runs for 40 minutes once a week.

How can I find out how well my child is doing?

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